Thank you for joining our community space.
Venez nous rencontrer au Salon de Blaugies, Rue de la Frontière 31, à Blaugies (Dour).
Le premier samedi du mois, de 10h à 13h.
Apportez :
Pour plus d'info appelez Gautier au 0474 65 44 51.
Well done! On the 07/12/2024 at RC Dour we were able to repair 0 items. Help us spread the message by sharing your impact on your website.
An infographic of an easy-to-understand equivalent of the CO2 emissions that your group has prevented
This will notify volunteers who attended this event that repair data has been added and that it could benefit from additional contributions and review.
It will also let volunteers know that photos (including of visitor book feedback) may have been posted.
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Thank you for joining our community space.
In the community space you can:
Your starting point is the community dashboard.
Your dashboard gives you at a glance info on the latest happenings in the community, as well as quick access to common actions.
A good place to start is the Getting Started section.