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Note on times: Event is 20:00 CET/ 19:00 UK/ 11:00 PDT
In this special event, we will have a short introduction to critical raw materials - what they are, what kinds of products and components you find them in, and why repair is essential. We use materials developed by the Restart Project (within the REFER project) - these materials can also be used as part of other repair cafe and educational events. After the introduction, we will have a repair cafe session during which participants give a short introduction to the item they have brought to repair and we then divide into breakout rooms to try to repair the items. In the main room we will continue a discussion about materials, education, and repair for anyone interested.
GOT SOMETHING BROKEN? In addition to “carry-in items” the virtual format means we can look at big things like washing machines, doors, furniture and farm equipment now. Help us out by letting us know what you are bringing by registering in advance http://bit.ly/fixitcheckin
RESTARTERS, FIXERS,OTHERS: Any community repairers (or wannabe repairers, "fixingfamilies") in the world are heartily welcome to help fix (or just observe). You're also welcome to simply observe the event. RSVP to this event or sign up in advance at http://bit.ly/fixitcoachsignup.
You can see examples of past online events here: https://repaircafe.tv/videos
We will put the link to the event in this description closer to the event.
Well done! On the 17/10/2020 at International Repair Day online repair! we were able to repair 4 items. Help us spread the message by sharing your impact on your website.
An infographic of an easy-to-understand equivalent of the CO2 emissions that your group has prevented
This will notify volunteers who attended this event that repair data has been added and that it could benefit from additional contributions and review.
It will also let volunteers know that photos (including of visitor book feedback) may have been posted.
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